Romaine O. Blandy's Summer Cruise
Aboard USS Wilmette (IX-29)
May-June 1943

This page from the USS Wilmette's muster rolls shows that Romaine Blandy
was 'received' aboard on May 27th, 1943 from U-M's NROTC program. The
pertinent info is listed third from the bottom on each half of the page.

This next series of nine pages comes from volumes nine and ten of the
Ninth Naval District's War Diary. Each page has at least one entry pertaining
to U-M's NROTC activities. Look for entries headed by the following:

USS Wilmette, Chicago, Illinois

NROTC, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Training activites during the cruise would have encompassed a wide spectrum of
shipboard duties, though it's likely that gunnery, communications, and navigation would
have been at the fore. Romaine Blandy studied engineering at U-M (though it's unclear
as to which brand) and might also have been somewhat focused on things below decks.

This page from the USS Wilmette's muster rolls shows that Romaine Blandy
was 'transferred' off of the USS Wilmette on June 6th, 1943. The
pertinent info is listed seventh from the bottom on each half of the page.

Source for all document images on this page:
National Archives and Records Administration via Fold3

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